
This is my picture placeholder. Just somewhere to put the pictures so I can place them easily.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Picture Books

An Eighties revival, right on my wrist!

Heather and I, New Roads Prom. or so. I think 1996. Maybe '95.

Paul, and Paul's attitude towards picture taking. Like my attitude towards it.

Me and Paul. See, this time he tried to smile nicely, and I stuck my tongue out and fucked it up.

YAY! My picture books fit in the closet again! It's all pretty.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My butterfly, of course. It amuses me. Cause it's pretty.

Valerie, at my old house...hmm...probably 2002 as well. Almost five years ago. Wow.

Tammy in the bodice. Boobs, boobs galore.

Ariel in the bodice. MORE BOOBS.

Jesse coming in towards the middle of the party. Like usual.

Heather, Boo and Simple. Boo is the black one. Simple is the other one..I don't know how to describe her. She was named aptly.

Phattus the Cat and Paul. He liked to lick people's heads. The cat, not the guy.

Jesse continues to look the same. This picture was from when I lived upstairs with Jake. These are VERY old pictures.

T and A Cleavage!

Aaron and Tammy. Somehow I even have pictures of a drunken Aaron. I hadn't remembered, I guess. This one was from 2002, as well.


Heather and Wow, that was a LONG time ago.

Maybe the last time he washed his face.

Derek and Katie and Mina...Mina looks so LITTLE. So does Derek, of course. And probably Katie.

Hard to see, but Derek and Mina at my OLD house, which was in 2002.