Sunday, June 25, 2006
More Sidney's Party.

This is Marshall. Marshall is most decidedly awesome. Marshall gave me alcohol after a WONDERFUL encounter with my mother after I'd run away.

Ally and Sidney.

Ben and George. And a bunch of people in the background. =)

Marshall getting sexy with the mallet.

Jesse and Roy. After about TEN takes. Those boys are HARD to get to stand still.
Sidney's party, or I'm drunk.

This right here is Spike. I kept calling him Spike like on Buffy when Drucilla says Spike. Ooops.

Sidney's awesome ear.

After she blew all the candles out. She's awesome, DUH.

This is amusing me too much, cause I am drunk. I cannot type either, but I'm trying.

This one is Dotty. The only way to get a picture of her face is to hold it in place. Yeah, she is determined and smart, and stubborn.