
This is my picture placeholder. Just somewhere to put the pictures so I can place them easily.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

They don't have these chips anywhere I know here in Eugene/Springfield. Yet I can always find them on road trips. It doesn't make any freaking sense. They are airy and yummy.
3 of my 4 ninjas. Ben tried to shoot one at Jesse outside and we'll never find it now. That's what happened with the damn chicken. Still these are awesome. And scarier to have flying at you then a chicken.
A magnet! Now I know what poker hand is best. I could actually PLAY poker.
The biggest box of nerds EVAR.
My own Ester. In magnet form, of course.

In no Particular order

Someone from work got me this. It's CUTE.
Get me a bath set and I am SO happy. Seriously. I love the bath sets. Smelly things are good. At least good smelling things.
GNOMES! I got a WHOLE family of gnomes. I must find places for them in the back yard. They are AWESOME.
And a VERY soft and fluffy cow.
More earrings. They are PRETTY.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Me, all me.

BURNED! I got the car arm. Between pitchforking and riding to Rexius, I got some sun.

All tendril-ly, sweaty, and tired. But cute. I really like this picture.

My poor neck, I just realized, it looks like part of my ear too. =(

Seriously HOT. =)

Me being amused by my tendril-ly hair and my inability to get a decent shot in the mirror.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gotta make everything work and small enough. send to Roy.

Back in the day.

My first Mina. Isn't she DARLING?

Mina, Heather, and Derek

Paul and Mina

My little sister. She'll be TWENTY on the 10th

Me at 2

I can't forget Jon!

MOLLY! Molly has cool stars.

See? And she has good cleavage.

Jesse and some other people I don't know.

Ok, so these are out of order. This was when Molly got there.

Jon and Roy! The back of Roy's head anyhow.