Doesn't he just look pleased as punch? The second "ride". The third ride, the one Derek didn't like so much.
There is the guy, telling Ben where to get his tickets refunded. The SCARY ride had such illuminated pictures as this.And this. Isn't this FANTASTIC?? This was the ride Derek SWORE he'd gone on before and wanted to do again. The last ride. The scrambler is much easier on my mind.This was the zipper. Every time it whipped around, I heard loud SCREAMING. This one sure had some height to it as well. The quest to get a perfect Derek and I picture. Cute hair.Another shot of cute hair. =) The pirate toe!
Big bite on my arm. Two bites melded into one on my leg. Same two bites, next day. They are getting better. Ben liked this picture of the Grasshopper best.
Hello there feet. My feet love each other and fit together quite nicely. I have pink-foot! Besides it looking like I'm pledging my allegiance, I like this picture. I've been screwing around with the black and white. And with the black and white, the CRATER on my forehead is not so noticeable.