Derek is SO white. That flash just really brings it out.

Such a pretty dress. And this was before her hair fell down.

My son, the ham. Seriously, WHO FLASHES A PEACE SIGN? Hippies.

After this one, Derek was like...why aren't you smiling Mina? Gee, Derek, maybe cause you're almost HANGING off of her.

Apparently, they LIKE to sit on people. And people like to be sat on.

Isn't he CUTE? Does it take away from his manliness to have him in front of my cow wall? He was in the "man-chair" as Cruz called it.

What you don't see is Mina, I think they buried her in hopes of getting her presents.

A pretty dark one, but I like how they are all just sitting (or standing) there talking, much like their parents were in the other room.

This is why we don't let me do people's hair. It's falling right out of the clippy.

Peek a boo!

Power Rangers, MORPH. Unless they are really making plans to get ALL the cake, somehow.

I was going for backlighting to make her look "angelic", instead I got a really dark picture. Thank god for "image adjustment".

This cracked me up. It's a look of..."Good lord, why am I still dealing with this?" I'm sure Derek was being bossy or something.

Yet again, with the looking. For Chrissakes, I was ALL the way out in the living room and yet she KNEW to look.

Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom. Will there be enough room? How many times have I read this damn book? Too many.

Derek can't weigh more than 50 pounds, hopefully he didn't do any real damage.

Yes, Derek was actually hitting Aaron with that pig. I would have been more worried if Aaron wasn't laughing. But perhaps he was gasping? Crap, too late now. Ariel rescued him shortly after anyhow.

This was actually BEFORE the cake. Believe it or not.

Quiet. (need I say more?)

My kid, probably assuring Natalli that he was right about something or other. That looks like his "I know I'm right" face. Looks like a magic card, so he was probably
lecturing teaching her about it.

Cake, unmolested.

It was such a pretty cake.

Two seconds after she blew the candles out. I MISSED it. Next time I'm putting it on video, and then I'll get it!

MMMM. Frosting covered candles.
Natalli really made some of the CUTEST faces, especially when she would say please. She looks so innocent. (like all kids do. =))

Isn't she helpful?

Deep in thought (like WHEN can we have CAKE?)

Cake ecstasy

These two are quite the cake and ice cream team. They had it dished out in like 5 seconds flat. I timed them. (not really)

Again, with the looking at the camera. STOP LOOKING AT THE CAMERA PEOPLE. =)

Do you see what I mean about the faces? She is TOO cute.

Coloring things are AWESOME for presents.

Derek wanted his hair spiked, it's really getting too long to do it properly, but I tried.

No! STOP! I don't even HAVE a camera, I SWEAR.

I like this one, I don't have a smart ass caption for it.

I love this little sideways look she's giving him.

Mina and Natalli were hard to separate.

Hopefully these don't look as red-eyed as they were. I fixed them a bit. Finally, the kids settled down to watch part of a movie. (which really means, YAY, no more beating on people.)

Why, yes, we do doctor photos around here.

So, at least with this one, they have red eye and look like Zombies that deserve to be eaten by the TEETH.